Why is Quality Content Important?
Content is a critical aspect of any content marketing strategy. It is the backbone to which you can tie various direct marketing strategies. A content plan should include the following principles:
Push content to your fans regularly. If you are too silent, you are not keeping your brand on their mind. Social sites such as Facebook and Twitter define a world where everything changes, including the constant flow of messages on your feed. Being there at the right place and time means posting content regularly.
Make sure it is relevant and topical. Remember that you are building a story about your business and your brand. Don’t distract people with a tangent that confuses the story or even worse, makes it boring to read!
Make sure you are adding value with both curated and original content. Your fans trust that you are a knowledgeable source about your business and marketplace. They are looking for the things you recommend for them to read, and the subjects and ideas they trust you to know about.
Publish content in a newsletter that directs people to your blog and social networks. By emailing out the same content you put on social sites and blogs, you will be able to bring more people into the conversation and have them engage with your business.
Use referrals to achieve more fans and followers. To use your content strategy to obtain more fans and followers, tap your existing customers using email and design social referral programs. To this you can add time and quantity limited group deals, sweepstakes and other incentives that help further drive the value of being an active customer.
Content Curation
When you curate content you are monitoring the web and your corporate networks for what is interesting and newsworthy so you can pass a link along to your followers. You can also add your own comment on why this link is relevant or important. To do all of this well can be time consuming. However, ContentMX makes social content easy.

Source Types
Twitter Feed
Facebook Feed
LinkedIn Company Page
Google Search
Bing Search
Twitter Search
YouTube Channel
Blog Feed (via RSS/ATOM)
Google Reader
Custom Content Libraries
Your Corporate CMS
Content Publishing
Content Types
High Quality Original Social Content
In addition to 3rd party content, custom content can be written for your use and presented on the dashboard. This content can come from a vendor or partner in your industry that works with ContentMX. In addition, we arrange for custom content to be produced specifically for your organization.
Self Generating Social Content
Self generating social content can come from social conversations (like comments on Facebook) or from quick polls and other social interactions. You publish the poll and then the chart showing the poll results becomes immediately available as a new piece of content. Another form of self generating content is a Social Digest. ContentMX makes it easy to generate a summary of your posts over the past week or month and email it to your subscribers.
User Generated Social Content
We also provide tools that get your customers posting content about your business. This user-generated content is a very important way to influence purchasing decisions and can include sharing and referral incentives.
Promote User Generated Content on These Sites
Advanced Content Management
ContentMX can do much more than help you curate content. As a full content management system we can help you move content from person to person and to automate tasks.
Add tags to classify and filter content and determine who will receive it.
Set the schedule for the exact day and time to post your messages. Pre-determine all of the content for the next week or month all at once. Set a repeating schedule to send the same message multiple times.
Content Series
Related content in a library can be connected together as a Series. When you select a content series, the first item is posted immediately and the remaining messages will be automatically scheduled for posting within the specified number of days afterwards.
Automated Publishing
In cases where you would like to “set it and forget it”, ContentMX offers the ability to take certain content from a library, RSS feed, Facebook or Twitter Feed, and automatically post it to a your blog, website or social sites.
Multiple Users – Authors, Editors, and Publishers
Teams of users can work together in our multi-user environment. You can assign a standard role of author, editor, or publisher or customized roles can be defined to fit your requirements.