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Dear ERP Reseller,

Is It Time to Lighten Your Load?

Introducing Newsletter and Social Content for ERP Resellers and Service Providers

Many people are finding the newsletters they get each day to be flat and one directional. But it doesn’t need to be this way. The Social Newsletters we help you build are interactive and support today’s world of consumer engagement.

Spend less time managing your newsletter and social media, and get better results.

Businesses are only just starting to tap into this valuable opportunity – and we give you everything you need to do this now – including great ERP content that is ready-to-use.

Try it now for FREE. We’ll help you get started and support you along the way.

Where Newsletters and Social Marketing Come Together,
Creating Conversations that Lead to Sales

The Newsletter

Typical email newsletters are flat communications that push information in one direction. They are time consuming to create and their impact is shrinking.
The Newsletter
People today are seeking “social” content that is short, useful, and interactive. This content is selected from across the Web and distributed to social media sites and blogs. These are the places where conversations occur. And it is these conversations between you and your customers, and the conversations that your customers have about you that generate sales.

The Social Newsletter

In this new world, the newsletter becomes a “Social Digest” – a regular email newsletter for your customers and prospects (that can be automated) containing your latest social content and blog entries with links taking your readers directly into the conversation.

The Social Newsletter